Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How Does An Autism Assistance Dog Positively Affect The...

Research Question: How does an autism assistance dog positively affect the autistic child? I decided to research this topic as I have always been interested in animals and want to pursue a career working with animals. After watching a captivating news clip on assistance dogs it was clear this was going to be the topic I would investigate for my research project. I researched autism assistance dogs (AAD), specifically their training, eligible criteria and positive effects on the child. I read websites and books along with watching videos to get secondary information. I contacted an expert in the field - Danielle Mathews, service coordinator of AAD at Guide Dogs SA/NT, to obtain further information to support my findings. My Research Outcome is in report form and features pictures and diagrams. (Word count 130) Evaluation E1 – Evaluation of Research processes I relied heavily on secondary sources as there were limited organisations where I could receive the primary information. All the resources used cross referenced each other and were specific to my topic. The basis of my research was conducted through Guide dogs SA/NT as they are based in Adelaide and have significant information regarding AAD. This process was highly valid in that it included a large amount of relevant in-depth information that contributed to many key findings of my research. Guide dogs provided me with an effective abundance of information desired. As well as having generalShow MoreRelatedSocial Interaction For Children With Autism3206 Words   |  13 PagesSocial interaction for children with autism can be even more difficult (Burrows, 2008). For several of these children having a companion dog can make all the difference. Dogs like any other animal will not judge a child; they do not care how popular a child is or how they look or even how he or she forms sentence s. The continuous companionship and friendship of such a devoted creature can help a child with autism build confidence (Beaumont, 2008). Companion dogs accompany their partner to doctor sRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd ) Essay2187 Words   |  9 PagesAutism spectrum disorder (ASD) is an intricate brain disorder that can cause difficulties in social skills, communications, and abnormal behavior. Looking at children with ASD, researchers began investigating how to lessen the affects that ASD had on children using animals. More specifically, it was discovered that dogs could be helpful to children. â€Å"Man’s best friend† may be valuable in a way doctors and trained therapeutic professionals are not. How does interacting with a dog affect children withRead MoreThe European Society Of Animal Assisted Therapy7053 Words   |  29 Pagesanimals or are active for animals. Implementation is goal-oriented and based on a clear process and topic orientation taking int o account animal-ethical principles with subsequent documentation and professional well-founded considerations. Therapy dogs undergo extensive training before working with patients (Murphy, Shepard, (2004). There are many different groups of people that have benefited from canine assisted therapy. The following sections will take an in-depth look at a few groups. CanineRead MoreHealing Powers from an Unexpected Source1900 Words   |  8 PagesWhether it be a dog, cat, bird, rabbit, or even a horse, all types of animals can be trained to help the emotional and physical health of many in simple and extraordinary ways. The use of animal therapy with highly trained animals can benefit the emotional and physical health of a variety of people, including children, elderly, and individuals with unique circumstances. Healing can be found in situations of animal presence with a child, throwing a ball for a dog, students petting dogs before a testRead MoreLeadership for Health and Social Care and Children65584 Words   |  263 Pagesand practices in health and social care or children and young people s settings (M1) 62 Working in partnership in health and social care or children and young people s settings (M2c) 66 Understand child and young person s development (MU5.2) 68 Lead practice that supports positive outcomes for child and young person develo pment (MU5.3) 72 Develop and implement policies and procedures to support the safeguarding of children and young people (MU5.4) 75 Lead and manage group living for children (P4)

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